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Sealing ring mold maintenance

Source: SPLENDID RUBBER PRODUCTS(SHEN ZHEN)CO.,LTD Click: Pubdate: 09/26, 2016 15:48:51
The maintenance work of the mold of the sealing ring, the good condition of the play, to ensure the quality of stamping parts, to avoid the occurrence of accidents, to extend its service life, to ensure the normal production. Has a very important significance.
The main form of failure of the sealing ring die
(1) wear (including abrasive wear, adhesive wear, fatigue wear and corrosion wear)
(2) fracture (including cracking, cracking, breaking edge, falling and peeling off)
(3) shaping variant
Sealing ring mold cleaning
In order to ensure the quality of stamping parts and prolong the service life of the mold, the mold must be cleaned and cleaned.
A, daily cleaning and cleaning B, regular cleaning and cleaning
1, daily cleaning and cleaning
(1) surface of the mold: after cleaning the dust with a clean cloth wipe, touch the surface of the mould, if you couldn't feel the dust, you can.
(2) the mold guide sleeve, the guide pillar cleaning: use a cloth to cover the guide sleeve, the guide pillar, guide block parts of the oil block wipe clean, and then put on a small amount of oil lubrication
(3) clean punching parts, use a hammer to clear away all the debris waste hole and sliding plate on adhesion of waste and edge cutting waste.
(4) a coating die, die on the surface tension must be cleaned, you must manually to confirm whether the smooth surface, the first material production must be wiped clean with a rag, after production, must be coated with a little oil to die
2, regular cleaning and cleaning
(1) after the mold maintenance, must clean the mold surface.
(2) in the regular maintenance process, on the outer surface of the mold, remove, change parts for a thorough cleaning
(3) every time, the mold must be fully decomposed, and then all the product cleaning.
Keywords: Sealing ring mold maintenance
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